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When did you watch a video on YouTube? Last month? Last week? Yesterday? Today?

Are you saying ‘Oh come on man, only a few minutes ago.’ Yes, YouTube is too addictive and that’s why marketers can’t ignore this medium.

It is the right time to start a YouTube channel. But if you already have one and you just take it to the next level. Do it soon.

Today we will discuss how to properly setup your YouTube channel and take it off from the ground and move it to the next level.


Setting up your Goals

If becoming a celebrity on YouTube is your primary goal, then you have a long road to take my friend. YouTube is already bustling with heavy competition. There is a new YouTube channel emerging out somewhere in the world every day. So reaching for a limelight takes years of hard work and uncompromising strong content videos.


Managing your reputation

The important factor in Google’s reputation management is that there is no end line for it. It doesn’t matter even if your reputation is sky high and you have a safe spot in the SERP’s. You cannot stop publishing content and speak about your brand. When reputation is considered YouTube is your best bid. Raking is phenomenal when it comes to YouTube videos mainly for less competitive navigational search phrases which have your brand name.

Rich snippet helps you a lot in this factor because the thumbnail, length, author of the video is shown by Google in SERPs. It enables you to gain more attraction to your video search result.

YouTube video helps you in a lot of ways like giving an overview of your product or service, showcasing testimonials of satisfied customers visually, Show the people of your company or your whole team, a glimpse of your workplace area, meetings, events, celebrations and much more.


Improvised conversions

YouTube helps in a lot of ways when you target on conversions. I mean a person believes and trusts a product only if he sees his product and understands it rather than someone explaining it in writing. So in that case videos allow you to present your product to the customer and give them the reason to buy it. There are numerous cases and studies that have shown that product videos are the largest selling point for any product both online and offline. Moreover, YouTube offers you a free platform to present your product, rank it in search engine for your customers to find easily, helps to cover a large community audience to navigate to your site through search.


Creating Alternate traffic

YouTube is a great platform to create alternate traffic. I mean, for instance, your video is being suggested right after your competitor’s video is a blessing. People get the chance to compare these videos and figure out which is best. So you can drive the traffic to your site through your competitor if the video you create is top notch in content. Even though reaching the Top 10 is really tough, you could reach wide audiences for queries having less competition.


Create a Calendar

When it comes to video it is definitely not a one-man show. A lot of inputs, ideas, brainstorming are required. Create a calendar to work out for and make it a routine. Make a research for the keywords, ask questions among yourselves to get into concrete ideas, pen down the timings for each video and add enough time schedule for producing and promoting it.


Video Production

Video making can be much fun if you have a generous production value, but not everyone can afford it. Minimal budget campaigns need specific tools to create their videos. Animatron is a great tool for creating HD quality explainer videos. After 2 days of practicing to learn to use all the tools properly, you will be familiar to work with it. Animoto is a handy tool when it comes to creating promotional videos, visual takeaways and testimonials. You don’t need much time to invest in learning. It’s too easy and fun to use it. For creating video tutorials use iMovie. Even though it takes a week to master all the tools it is worth the investment of time and money.

If you plan to outsource your production, then go for Fiverr. It gives you numerous ideas to create a video. While you might get bumped into wrong hands for a few attempts, but don’t try to loose hope. The Top 10 Seo Companies in Chennai would help you to create top-notch videos for you. So, reach out to get your videos get done.


Video Page Optimization

Optimizing your videos is as important as to create an awesome video. Spend some valid time on it. Add as much as you can about the video on the video page. Do not forget to give an attractive title, a constructive description and as many tags as possible (I mean relative TAGS). Create an eye-catching thumbnail for your videos without fail. My personal preference is to go for CANVA.


Engagement and Clicks

Make a list of clickable contents to draw more attention to your video. Promote all your videos through social media to generate more views and get more clicks. Avoiding auto-play always ensures you to stay away from lurkers. You can’t keep a track of your visitors if the video is auto-played while scrolling. So disabling this will enable the user to click the link and then watch the video. Make sure your site is packed in such a way that after watching your video they could easily be channeled to your homepage. Otherwise, they would roll to the next video easily.


Building Playlists

Build playlists to keep your audience engaged with your videos. Because the videos in the same playlists will automatically play next once the current video has stopped playing. Moreover, playlists will also help you to rank in Google.


Monitoring the progress

Always track your progress. There are many tools to track your progress. Topvisor is one of the best tools to monitor your rankings on YouTube. You can also monitor keywords targeted for each video. YouTube analytics allows you a clear insight of your channel performance and the performance of each video separately. They include the traffic details, favorites, date range, region, average view duration, subscribers, likes and comments.



Patience is the key! Seriously upholding your patience is the most important factor to remember. It may take weeks or even months to gain a set of loyal followers and even years to get a global attention. But no matter what you must keep following the pattern and performing without any hesitation. Steady growth is most important on YouTube. Once you gained the trust of millions, your every next video is a HIT!

Man, this process is really tiring! If you think so. Then contact the Best Digital Marketing Company in Chennai and sit back and relax. They will take care of everything.

Are you running a successful YouTube channel of your own? So, how do you manage to pull it off?
Do tell us your story in comments.


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