Content Strategy

How to build a strategic content targeting in SEO Growth

Posted by infiniX at 29 Nov 2017

Goal Setting   Always begin with the end. What goal you are trying to attain? Are you going to attain more leads? Are you trying to push an approx. ratio more in the sales? Are you driving more subscribers for a newsletter? Note down the things to achieve in the beginning. This enables you to

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Email Marketing

The vital Insights of Email Marketing that Plays a Major Role in Digital Marketing

Posted by infiniX at 24 Nov 2017

There are many misconceptions in the minds of marketers and the capitalists of these days on the insights of Email Marketing benefits. After the outburst of the social media and the new channel medium for promotions, the interest towards Email marketing has slowed down.   Off course Email kind of a traditional way of commuting

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Content Marketing Tips

Tips to Increase the Visitors to the site through Creative Content Marketing

Posted by infiniX at 17 Nov 2017

  When it comes to marketing in digital platform content has always been and will certainly continue to be centrifugal of all success. To be successful in digital marketing one need to understand the criteria and the dynamic nature of the ever changing content marketing strategies. Those who can understand and adapt to the current

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internal links

Impact of Links in Header, Footer, Content, and Navigation on SEO

Posted by infiniX at 14 Nov 2017

  There are various things that make us interesting when we dive into the vast topic of internal linking. Some links in the on-page carries more weight and are more important than other links. If you could identify which ones matter more and use these in your site. Then you will definitely get potential and

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Social Media Optimization

How Innovations in Social Media Helps you to create Branding to your Business?

Posted by infiniX at 10 Nov 2017

  The world around us has been completely digitalized where all our needs and wants can’t be pursued without internet. Everyone can find your peers, in and around your circle glued to the social media at all time of the day. Social media has stormed the internet for over the past decade and is the

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6 Reasons Why the Bounce Rate is high in your Website

Posted by infiniX at 02 Nov 2017

If you are running a website, for any purpose, bounce rate is one of the main factors you need to carefully watch in your Google Analytics data. If your bounce rate is really high, then it is time to be alarmed.   So, what is bounce rate? It is the percentage at which the visitors

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