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Why Average Position Metric To Be Removed From Google Ads

Google Ads to Remove Average Position Metric by September End

Posted by infiniX at 16 Aug 2019

Google recently announced that there won’t be Average position metric in Google ads anymore since September End. Why is it being removed? Average position metric is just a rank given to your ad based on the auction among bidders and quality score it will not guarantee the top position in SERP. This indicates there won’t

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Seo Company in Chennai

How to make your website SEO friendly?

Posted by infiniX at 09 Apr 2019

Web development and design will be the utmost in-demand, but in a state of -serviced SEO product on the market.  Why? It looks like maximum businesses follow this method: Develop a website first, then do search engine optimizations later. Let’s explore! Website Builder vs. CMS: What’s the Difference? Unless you are a coding Expert, maximum

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PPC Services in Chennai

How to keep your PPC account healthy ?

Posted by infiniX at 13 Mar 2019

       Most of us not aware of keeping the PPC account healthier. There are few ways that will help to keep the PPC account healthier. Before going to the point we should know what PPC means and how its work so that everyone can understand. Read the article completely so that you will know more

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Digital Marketing Services in Chennai

How Digital Marketing can help to level up the business

Posted by infiniX at 06 Feb 2019

There is no puzzle that we exist in the digital realm and from this view; it is important that your company has a great ubiquity in the digital space. Digital marketing or Internet marketing is the marketing prospect across the world full of resources as contrasted to regular marketing. All these analyses show that digital

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Digital Marketing Agency in Chennai


Posted by infiniX at 09 Jan 2019

In this 21st century, the process of business development and branding is going digital. If you want to increase your profit in the business, the only option is to take your business to the next level of marketing. Your business can be successful if you know how to deal with your business affairs in the

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Why PPC is much needed for your business

Why PPC is much needed for your business

Posted by infiniX at 21 Mar 2018

  In the recent years, the number of people using search engines every day has kept on increasing. People use the search engine for all kinds of purposes. They are not only using it for getting information, but they are also using it for other multiple purposes. According to Google’s own data, there are 200

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