Why to conduct a Competitor Back Link Analysis in the Current Market |


While performing the competitor backlink analysis, first review other websites in the industry and try to share with the similar audience. In doing such research we are ought to assess the performance of the competitor website and the number of backlinks and the online authority they possess. This analysis helps us to build a strategy for our website. The first thing to be carried out is to assess the competition in your industry. In doing such research you will get know how to compete with them in the future. Try to see how well they are performing and create guidelines accordingly. This is where the Seo Company in Chennai comes in for your help.


Secondly, try to know what made others rank well in the industry. Through this competitor backlink analysis; one can get to know the quantity and quality of the sites that are being linked to your competitors. This often gives you an insight on how do they rank outwardly. If the page of the competitor is on the first page on the SERP then try to see the backlink list that made them earn this position. Then identify the backlink profile and use that information to improve our ranking for our site. One can develop a strategy to build backlinks and try to do guest blogging from the same sites.


Use a tool that produces the list of sites with a similar audience that of a target site. Traffic filter lets to know the result of the similar level of traffic. Use that report and choose the competitors to your list that can be used for later analysis. Try to have a count of backlinks for each of our competitor. By using the tool find out the list of sites and the number of backlinks that each of those sites has. One can run the site comparison for viewing the results.


Identifying the competitors with the largest link profile would help us in all aspects. This profile will let to build more links than sites with a smaller count of backlinks. The authority of the linking sites must be considered in prior. The link form a high page authority is more valued than a low authority page. Thus check for the page authority before linking sites. This high authority pages will help us effectively in the link building strategy. The pages and the sites that bring more traffic to our competitors must be identified earlier. Make a checklist of all the sites that link one or more of the competitors.


Sites with a good backlink opportunity are being saved spontaneously. With the help of this strategy, one can analyze the competitors and assess their backlink portfolio for improving the opportunities that have been used in the SEO strategy. For more clarification please do visit InfiniX, the Best Seo Company in Chennai.


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