How to Tackle the Sudden Drop in Your Rankings |

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  • How to Tackle the Sudden Drop in Your Rankings

A rank drop to the site is really not a good sign for any website. It may be a minor rank drop or even a sudden drop in the organic search engine. Whatever may be the level of drop, it definitely affects your website. It is an indication that the site is trending in the wrong and the opposite direction.


What are the means to secure it and level it up?

Regular troubleshooting, very attentive approach and proactive solutions can help to rise your rank up and secure the position. Read through the following given in order to identify the issue you are facing regarding the search engine ranking and also to rectify the errors.



Examine Algorithm

Examining the algorithm is the basic need for any website. Every month or twice Google rolls out the algorithm. These algorithms checks for Plagiarism, Thin content, User-generated spam, Keyword stuffing and Poor user experience.


Not all of them strongly impact the SERPs. But do keep check on the ones that impacts. For example, Google Panda algorithm is used to assign a content quality score to webpages. It down-rank sites with low-quality, thin or spam content. Some of the algorithms are given below:


  1. Panda
  2. Penguin
  3. Pirate
  4. Hummingbird
  5. Pigeon
  6. Mobile Friendly Update
  7. Rank Brain
  8. Possum
  9. Fred



Examine SEO Basics

Even though the basic elements of the search engine rankings are not on high priority now, they do have a large impact on the ranking. The checklist comprising the basic elements like Meta description, headings, H1 Tags, Title tags, etc. can be an ideal opportunity for rank improvement. The main purpose of the Home Page Tag is nothing but to tell the search engine bots basic information regarding your page and the complete information in it. The ranking and even the click through rates in the case of Meta description can also be affected by it. For easily management of the title and tags in your website you can install plugins like Yoast SEO, All in 1 SEO pack.



Examine the Content

A legit and quality content is a very basic criterion for any website for its long run. Your website must possess interesting, unique and very rich content based on the required keywords. Your content must create a strong connectivity to the visitors for them to relate to your website. In order to check the authenticity of your website use tools like Copyscape and Site-liner along with the manual analysis.



Examine the ABCs of Your Site

Always check the important ABC of your site like anchor-text ratio, citation optimization, link velocity which will provide you a quick review and solution to the ranking issues.


Check for the 200 status code

200 status code is a code that displays a successful HTTP request. It can be communicated successfully. Getting a standard 200-OK status is a very good sign of communication for your site. Make use of the free tools like HTTPS status code checker in order to check the 200-series status codes. You can troubleshoot the work based on the ‘page not found’ or ‘page permanently removed’ (Error 404 & Error 410 respectively).



Examine Site Speed

You will know you lack behind, when you find that your site takes more time than the standard loading time. Speed is the most important factor for any website to get more and more users to the site. Free tools like the Page Speed Insights might help you to analyze your page speed. It also helps to improve the load time.



Examine the Keyword Checklist

While making a decision for the keyword, always have these points in mind:

  • Highly searched keyword with your target audience
  • Should result in the conversation
  • It should be realistic to rank on the first page of search results


Keyword evaluation is your prime concern for the marketing campaign. Be proactive while the addition and deletion of the keywords of your concern. It you fail to do so. Then it will be very difficult for you and then there is a high chance of losing your ranks. Keywords that are unrealistic and that is not used by the conversation must be omitted abruptly. Always monitor all the high-end keywords that can dominate the on-page optimization.



These simple steps will definitely come in handy, if a sudden drop is experienced in your search engine rankings. You will achieve good optimization with the above steps. You can also avail the services of SEO in Chennai to improve the traffic to your blog or website with affordable cost.

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