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Digital Marketing and its importance for your Business

Posted by infiniX at 13 Feb 2019

If you’re yet clinging to only conventional, offline marketing for your policy, it may be the perfect time to reconsider your marketing crusade. These days, it’s crucial that you have a plan in place so you can battle efficiently with your rival(s). In an increasingly digital life, you gamble being left back if you don’t

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Digital Marketing Companies in Chennai

Essential factors for creating a successful Content Marketing strategy

Posted by infiniX at 20 Dec 2018

Content Marketing is not just a bunch of blog, landing pages and tweets it’s more than that. There is more to content marketing than just stuffing the website with flashy sales and branding messages. Writing content which is useful and of high quality to the audience at the correct time is not a simple task.

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How to Select the Domain that supports our Business Goals

Posted by infiniX at 07 Aug 2018

  The domain selection should always be based upon our goals. Selecting the particular domain is a big phenomenon, and there are many things that are associated with it. Everything has the power to determine the URL and is based on the following two questions that is what are the goals and what suits the

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Strategy and Monitoring of Featured Snippets

Posted by infiniX at 12 Jul 2018

  Features snippets are the immediate answers to the search query which might be a question or a search for specific information. Google shows it at the top of the first page of the search results that redisplayed with respect to the search query. Google has an algorithm that interprets the intention of the visitor

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How to Master Link Building and its Risk Statistics

Posted by infiniX at 10 Jul 2018

  The agencies and consultants have a common request for link building strategies. Some ought to give better ideas than others. It’s always been a good idea to have a rule of the thumb. Nothing seems to be more exciting than getting those significant links. Let’s have a look at the consultant and the agency

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How to expand your Marketing channel beyond YouTube

Posted by infiniX at 28 Jun 2018

  One should build up the presence of the YouTube which is an essential criterion in the business processes. How one can expand the options beyond YouTube? There is a drastic increase in the video marketing and efforts are diversified which is not surprising to many. According to a recent report, the web users ought

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Posted by infiniX at 23 May 2018

  With the help of many tools, it becomes easier to identify the bad backlinks these days.  With the increased knowledge and the better link indexes, the bad backlinks are easy to be identified. There may be several items that determine the link which is bad and needed to be removed. The features that come

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Determining the Low Quality Pages with respect to Google

Posted by infiniX at 18 May 2018

  Google has certain criteria’s that measures the page to be of high or of low quality. How to identify those quality pages? There are many things to be examined by the SEO Experts in Chennai that determine the grade of a page. The points that need to be determined include search behavior of a

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Posted by infiniX at 15 May 2018

  Contents earn enormous benefits to our site related to the SEO aspects. People often get stuck in a content marketing campaign but there are certain strategies that add sparkle to your content creation efforts. Try to identify the small niche groups inside the community of the content and enlarge their voices and amplify the

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How to Rank in Google after the Maccabees Update

Posted by infiniX at 23 Feb 2018

  Soon after Google rolled out the Maccabees Update in December, there is still a lot of confusions and speculations revolving it. Most frequently asked query is ‘Does it affect my website rankings?’   After Googling for hours and referring many top-notch websites. In order to clear out all the mists & myths around it,

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