Impact of Social Media on Your Business Growth |

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Social Media Marketing

In the past decade, usage of social media grown multi-fold. It is very rare to find a person who doesn’t use any of the social media platforms.


Social media is no longer used just for time pass. Social media provides a great opportunity for networking, which can be used by any kind of businesses.


If you are running a business in 2017 and not using social media for your business promotion is a grave mistake as you are missing  vital marketing opportunities.


Social media can be used for different business activities like branding, promoting a product or a service, customer support and engagement. Using social media for your business is no longer optional, it has become mandatory.


Here are some insights about using social media for your business promotion.


Analyse your business and audience

Before starting your social media strategy, you need to analyse your business needs and determine how you are going to use social media. Whether you are going to use it for branding or use it for selling your product or service.


Once you’ve set your business goals, you need to analyse your target audience. Your social media strategy must be based on your target audience.


Open social media accounts

This would be an easy step for everyone. Sign up an account in different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, etc., You can also create separate business pages in Facebook and LinkedIn.


Analyze your target audience and concentrate more on a particular platform, according to your audience. If your target location is only India, you can invest more time in Facebook as there are more users in it than any other social media platforms.


You can concentrate more in Pinterest if you are targeting a women audience, as 81% of Pinterest user are women. If you are targeting the B2B market, you can use LinkedIn more.


Post regularly

Before you start to build a follower base for your social media pages, it is important to have content in your pages. Post regularly about your business activities, use more images and infographics as they are more shareable than text contents in social media. On YouTube, you can upload videos regularly.


Engage actively

Once you’ve built a follower base in social media, do regularly engage with them. Actively respond to their comments and queries. Social Media Marketing Chennai& engagement makes a real difference with your reputation in online.


Social media Ads

Finally, most effective way of using social media is using social media Ads. Every social media platform has their own Ad network as it became as their main source of income. They provide valuable information about their user base which you can use for running a highly targeted Ad campaign.


You can use Facebook Ads, Twitter for business, LinkedIn Ads for your marketing purposes. Social media advertising provides you a high return on investment compared to other advertising channels.


The most important aspect of social media should be building a good relationship with your customers and adding value to them rather than focusing only on selling your product or service.

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