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Web development and design will be the utmost in-demand, but in a state of -serviced SEO product on the market.  Why?

It looks like maximum businesses follow this method: Develop a website first, then do search engine optimizations later.

Let’s explore!

Website Builder vs. CMS: What’s the Difference?

Unless you are a coding Expert, maximum website development projects will be made either using an attractive basic website builder or a more stylish CMS.

Any website creator’s work should be attractive and user-friendly and should definitely integrate with Search Engine Optimization requirements.

While a website creator deals in-built designing features, developers will be pressed to make any modifications to the backend or files that are hosted by the creator.

For this purpose, creators often choose the flexibility and blank tab that a Content Management System like WordPress offers.

Content management systems are the software programs that permit developers to structure and store content on their site.

Using a Content Management System, creators are permitted to:

Add their own HTML.

Manipulate .htaccess files.

Additionally, Content Management System platforms deal with themes and templates that can make constructing pages a lot easier.

Website Creator Advantages

  • Easy learning curve
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Drop and Drag features

Website Creator Disadvantages

  • Limited improvement options
  • Some plans may be limited in page size

Content Management System Advantages

  • Flexibility
  • Frequently poor URL structures
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Data management

Content Management System disadvantages

  • Steep learning curve
  • Easy to break

With all these points in mind, you may turn to a Content Management System for the added Search engine optimization advantages. But it should be decided based only on the type of business and when it is required to look at other different options, you should go for it.

The below-listed points should be well-thought-out first to construct a new website:

  • Your budget
  • Your website’s purpose
  • Your level of expertise

What platform is best for Your Business?

  1. WordPress

Beyond any question, the WordPress platform is blooming with Content Management System, for the web designers and the website owners as well. Almost every single blogger give complete freedom to write over the fact that suitable WordPress facilitates easy content management. This popular platform bestows ample features that distinguish it from other Content Management Systems. The points brought into the limelight below are the factors that set off the popularity and usage of WordPress.

  • Easy to Use

One of the main merits that enable WordPress Design India to fly over other Content Management System platforms is due to the feasibility and convenience that is furnished to its users. In contrast, other Content Management System platforms are not enough user-friendly, rather they are developer-friendly!

With other Content Management System, even after the website has been constructed and delivered to the clientele, the breakneck learning curve might make clients struggle. Sometimes, you would have to clarify them in calls with the developer or designer and have to support the day-to-day operations of the website. Consequently, this sums up as a major negative aspect for the downfall of both the client and the designer as well.

  • User-Friendly Backend

WordPress is one of the most user-friendly Content Management System platforms that equip its users with a well arranged and easily understandable Dashboard or the administration area. It is at one fell swoop simple and packed with many features. It is as easy and comprehensible as the Microsoft Word and its spontaneity lets the user understand the use of its basic features right away.

  • Easy Availability of Plugins

Another foremost add-up to the super-eminent features of WordPress is the easy availability of the plug-ins. If a WordPress Designer is fetching for functionality that WordPress doesn’t render by default, then for such situations WordPress makes a room for the WordPress Design to easily download and install it.

  1. Shopify

Themes are an important part of Shopify and the designer of the theme is responsible for designing the most effective themes. In today’s scenario where the usefulness of the Web store is much more than before, companies are getting Web store created with the help of experts. For them, the store is a medium of profit. Profit gaining is not an easy activity at all. A company has to adopt different approach and actions to make more profits. In case a company walks in the same way as others, they will not be benefited much. However, with this different strategies store sales are bound to increase. There are many ways of increasing online sales. One of the ways is to make the store a better and attractive one by modifying themes.

What does Shopify exactly do?

Basically, Shopify is a complete solution for those companies who are willing to start and operate an online store. It is undoubtedly the complete e-commerce solution which would allow one to set up a store and sell their goods through it. A good thing about it is, it allows one to organize their products, customize the storefront, helps the sellers in accepting the credit card payment and makes the track as well as respond to orders with few mouse clicks.

  • How does Shopify save costs and time?

When we say that Shopify saves costs as well as time then it shows that we have got it correct. It is originally the web-based e-commerce software that would only require an internet connection to work. Along with it, there is no need for installation and the software can be made to work on all the operating systems including both Windows and MAC. The one who hosts Shopify does not have to worry about its installation, upgrading, and maintenance of its software and web servers. Through these features, Shopify helps in saving both costs as well as the time of the companies and individuals who use it for Web store creation and other purposes.

  • Why take the aid of Shopify themes designer?

A benefit that Shopify is to boost its presence of themes within it. However one needs to get in touch with Shopify themes designer as the designer would only make a different looking web page for the company. Most of the company when on Shopify will use its templates for Web store creation. This would lead to monotonous designs all across the web. But, the designer would customize the fonts, background and other details on the basis of individual company needs.


Squarespace is a place to create websites for the world’s most creative people. Squarespace provides us with a platform to build or create beautiful and attractive websites. The platform is so flexible that it powers the website of all sizes. Squarespace platform that can power hundreds of highly developed websites for Bloggers, Businesses and portfolio websites.

Squarespace helps different Businesses to have professional websites according to their requirements and specifications. The complete framework provides us with full control over your content and website customization.

Social media widgets such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, etc. can be integrated within the Squarespace platform. Many Mobile applications are built for iOS and Android phones and help its audience to post a Blog, manage comments and see all the information on the go. Squarespace dominant analytics tool displays your website’s traffic and helps you know your visitors.

Advantages of using this framework:

  • Social Media Combination
  • Identify Your Visitors
  • Squarespace is used for Android and iOS
  • Easy to use
  • Data Collection & Form Building

You don’t need to be a professional to create a Squarespace website, Squarespace handles all the technical details so that you can focus on what matters most to you. The simple and easy way to use controls helps us in building a powerful website that runs in minutes. Squarespace Account Center Dashboard helps in maintaining your accounts fairly, even if you are hosting one or multiple websites of your own or your clients

Squarespace lets you be relaxed and comfortable while changing your platform. Whatever platform you’re coming from, Squarespace move over your images, copy your posts and make sure all your link works.


Every web developer and designer has a different theory on how to balance their UX and Search engine optimizations.

How do you approach this topic? What insights can you offer to help bridge the gap between web development and Search engine optimizations? DIGITAL MARKETING Your Way to Success.

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