Are You Embarrassed How to Supercharge Your Blog Content Skills? |

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  • Are You Embarrassed How to Supercharge Your Blog Content Skills? Here’s What to Do

Content creation for blogs not only requires a lot of brainstorming but also amazing writing skills. Our ultimate goal is to make the blog interesting and attractive enough to make the readers stay on the page, but for people to note our blog in the first place we need SEO driven content, Keywords, internal and external links to rank high in SERP.

Obviously, nothing can beat original and unique content but other than that there are some important points to keep in mind before writing a blog or a post that will keep the readers engaged.

1. Quotes from Influencers and experts.

The first thing to do is to build a good relationship with influencers and experts in your field in order to quote them. But what is the importance of quotes?

People trust and share content if there are quotes from renowned influencers in the relevant field, it automatically adds more value to your blog.

If you are a brand that has a good relationship with influencers you can ask them to quote about your product or services and use that in your content.

In return, these influencers also get good exposure and may gain new followers, don’t forget to add their social media accounts and blog pages for people to reach them.

Also, make the quotes clickable links because links play an important factor in website ranking.

2. Add References

It’s a great way to make your content more interesting by referring relevant researches and facts.

These references from well-known studies make the readers think we know and researched a lot about the topic we are writing.

Make sure to link the references and always link the original source. This makes our blog more valuable.

3. Optimized Images

Images are a great way of communication; people easily tend to look at an image than reading a long text.

But the images should be original and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, using stocks images could be a turn off to the reader.

There are tools and websites that allow you to use free images but also can use paid ones if willing. Just make sure there are no copyright issues.

And the most important thing is to optimize your image which includes reducing the file sizes, adding descriptions, etc. This will allow the images to load faster and helps in SEO.

4. Keyword Analysis

In SEO, Keyword research plays a major role it can make or break your brand if not done in the right way.

Using the right keywords in your content will help your page rank in SERP. There should be a certain amount of monthly searches on the keywords that we choose so that we know people are actually using that keyword for queries.

There are many tools for keyword analysis, Google Ads has a keyword planner, but we can also use any paid tools like SEM rush to get in-depth analysis.

So having relevant keywords in your content will help in Search Engine Optimization.

5. Title and Meta description

In Search results, the first thing that people see is your Title and Meta description. Use relevant and attractive content for both.

Include keywords in both Title and Meta description as it is important for SEO, also having keywords in the URL is a plus point. This helps the page to rank better on SERP.

Always make sure that the title and description are related to the content inside the website if not people will click out of the site easily and this will affect the bounce rate.

6. Recommend related blogs for your readers.

Our ultimate goal is to make the readers stay on our blog so along with relevant and informative content, making suggestions for similar blogs will increase the time they spent on the site.

This will help the readers to stay on your page for a longer period of time which increases the average time that is spent on your page.

In conclusion, we can say that along with having original and interesting content, we also need some SEO in order to rank in the search engine result page with our Digital Marketing Agency in Chennai.

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