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The Secret Of Long Tailed Keyword

A long-tailed keyword is basically an extension of a generic, core and high volume keyword or phrase. Generally, it includes the permutation and combination of the keywords as well as other relevant phrases. However, the specialty of these keywords is that they are not significant when used individually. But, when they are taken as a whole they make a significant contribution to driving relevant traffic to the site.

Ideally, a long tail keyword cannot exceed the searches if the brand is already well established. However, it is still a wonder how these words and phrases can increase traffic. Technically, the long tail refers to a statistical distribution where the high-frequency population is followed by the low-frequency population that eventually tails off.

Thus the keywords can be classified into two broad categories – short keywords and long tail keywords. They are also called as broad and narrow keywords respectively. Originally, the named long tail was targeted the less competitive. Thus, the long tail keyword can be expressed as a “Digital Marketing Company in Chennai” while the short tail keyword can be “Digital Marketing Company”.

As the examples show, the word “Digital Marketing Company” is very competitive and there will thousands of web sites that will be dealing with this keyword. However, the phrase “Digital Marketing Company in Chennai” will have fewer competitors. Nevertheless, the last phrase is more specific and therefore, it will have less popularity. However, for people looking at specific searches, this will be a relevant keyword; hence it will drive quality traffic to the site.

Now, the question is why we would use long-tailed keywords on the site. The reason is obvious here – you have less competition when you are dealing with the long tailed keywords and as a result, you have the chance of hitting the first spot at the search result of Google. So, the rules are simple here, the more you use the long tail keywords, the easier it will be for you to get traffic. After all, it is easier to rank higher with these keywords.

Another great thing with the long tail keywords is that the visitors pulled through these have a high percentage of buyers. Also, they are more likely to click on ads. This is because the traffic of the long tail keywords is more specific and they are getting what precisely they were looking at. They are effective and worth being used in your site.

Now, if you are interested in using the long tailed keywords, it is important that you do a lot of research in this regard. There are SEO research tools like the Word tracker that can be very useful or hire the Best SEO Services in Chennai. Keep in mind however that both short and long-tailed keywords need to be used in a balanced proportion in order to get optimum web traffic.

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