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For brands do well in search results it is a must to have a solid SEO strategy. But, before taking your SEO to the next stage you need to have a good idea of where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Let’s look out at the major building blogs to create a successful and competitive PPC Services in Chennai.


To get a result in SERPs, first, your website should be found by Search engine. This means if you are new to SEO or never been engaged in any form with it, then your first duty is to make your site visible to search engine crawlers.  Actually, it is not big deal, you just need to add a robots.txt file in your site and instruct crawlers which pages you need get indexed and which you don’t.

For better indexing, you need to present the crawlers with your site structure. For that, you can build a sitemap from scratch or update existing sitemap.  The perfect sitemap would include all of the websites product pages, categories, and subcategories.

Content optimization 

When issues like robot.txt, sitemaps and crawlability are fixed the next SEO building block to concentrate is content optimization. This is nothing but making use of your current assets for specific keywords to improve ranking. With the keyword planner, you can produce a list of keywords based on ROI and search volume. Now use these keywords to enhance your content and Meta tag starting from top-level pages moving categories and subcategories and finally ending up with product pages.

This process can also be done in an alternative way too. For example, instead of optimization, the entire website chooses some few select pages. If that page (page 1) does reasonably well, use google webmaster to analyze its performance. Now check if it aligns with any keywords? If so, then optimize that page 1 to that particular keyword to get better performance.

Brand Engagement and link building

The next phase of your SEO strategy is doing an offsite process like building social relations and link building. However, it is not necessary to have a well-optimized site to start offsite strategies, but if your content is well optimized then there are good chances of seeing more benefits from link building strategies. Finding the right websites for linking building requires a lot of work too. You need to find the right categories of a site like booking and more to get the most out of your links.

Content Creation

It is better to focus on content creation in the new level is your company is mature enough in SEO. In this stage, your content should move on from product and service description to answering customers queries related to the products you sell. For example, instead of producing more contents about shoes, write about the ways one can choose the right type of shoes, maintaining and caring for leather shoes and so on.

For more information: Social Media Marketing Chennai.

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