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How Few Pages Can Make or Break Your Website

How Few Pages Can Make or Break Your Website

Ways in which Few Pages can Make or Break your Business Website


Some pages on the website are ought to make significant changes in the website. The SEO and the content marketing are not said to be subjective and the quality of words which we use in the site can generate valuable returns for our business. One can even quantify the words that we use on the site. When we had a chance to look back at our old contents, most of the pages in the site is ought to drive 60 % of the organic traffic. More than 90 % of all the indexed pages drive of about 5 clicks or even less than that for every three months.


One can generate simple and the easy content which is the certain thing of the previous scenario. To write the content and use the keywords is the destiny that is designed or planned already. Creating content should focus on much of the data that is supported by facts and it should be rigorous. It usually starts with the keyword research. Choose the topic from the keywords that are being searched regularly by the clients. The search volume guarantees that the content that you are writing is of interest to the target audience.



Choose the keywords that are ought to be reasonable for the current scenario. Our main aim is to rank the page with the keyword that we are targeting. Using the keywords in the post of the blogs and linking it to redirect it to the product page is the older version that is gone for now. In the recent times, the scenario has been changed to one page and one keyword. The page that we want to rank must contain the best piece of content with the respective keyword. It can also be in depth which covers the wide range of related topics.




Try to put a list of keywords that we are going to target for our business. The keywords must be a combination of searcher intent, organic search difficulty, search volume criteria, etc. Try to bring out the potential of the search volume by calculating the total number of searches that were made on the monthly basis with respect to our keyword. The website also drives the organic traffic from visitors for a single month with respect to the keywords from the indexed pages in Google. Content is said to be the heart of today’s digital marketing world.


So far the discussions that were made are with respect to the hypothetical potential of the keyword. Try to position your content so that it matches to your search queries which will give you more traffic to our site. For more queries kindly contact InfiniX, one of the Top Digital Marketing Companies in Chennai.


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