Pump Up Your Facebook Ads with Facebook Power Editor |

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  • Pump Up Your Facebook Ads with Facebook Power Editor


In this digital era, nothing in the digital medium can come close to the eminence of Facebook. The user counts of Facebook sits right on top with 2 billion active user accounts worldwide. It has created a huge platform for the marketers and business capitalists to brand their business with ease and grace.


And now the Facebook branding has fallen into like a lake full of fishes as there are numerous companies trying to brand themselves through Facebook. But only few companies with good strategies are able to pull off traffic through Facebook.


So the Facebook themselves have created a new update with Facebook power editor to give chance to the companies to engage in successful campaigns in branding themselves.


So what is Facebook Power Editor?

It is a kind of simplified strategy platform created by Facebook to give the opportunity for the businesses to engage in more successful campaigns with more flexibility and greater reach. It is more flexible in the sense you can run more than 10 ads or 20 ads at a time which is the mere gift for the marketers.


Here are some of the best features in Facebook Power Editor,


Ads Run on Time Zone Independent Schedule:

If you can guess that your targeted consumers are from different counties with different time zones then you can set your ads to run on different timings in different countries.



Controlled Visibility of Your Ads:

This option is most preferred for app developers which enable the creator to restrict the visibility of Ads on certain mediums. Like you can make your ads visible on only certain mobile devices or like visible only on devices connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data.


Bulk Uploading Of Ads:

If you are planning to run many ads the power editor provide you the option of bulk uploads with time schedules and visibility patterns based on your targets.


Other major facilities in running a campaign with creative dilemmas like pop-ups, designing features, daily budget running ads will help you create a brand for yourself and more traffic to your site.


If you are a business capitalist and want to promote your brand on Facebook then contact us, as one of the Top 10 SEO Companies in Chennai we help you to get more reach and traffic to your site.


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