Easy internal linking strategies for keywords with different search volumes |

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  • Easy internal linking strategies for keywords with different search volumes
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A favorite saying in the Search Engine Optimization community is that “Content is King”, implying that content is the key to driving highly visible rankings on the major search engines and SEO success. And as a general statement, it’s true. Although website content is important, it is not the only factor in determining high rankings and successful search engine optimization. Site content needs to be written for a particular audience or target market, and be based on the language they use when searching for your goods and services. And the more you know about what your customers are searching for the better you are able to provide the content they are looking for Best SEO Services in Chennai.

Add content to your site that contains your targeted keywords

Using your targeted keyword list, write content for your site related to your products or services that use these specific keywords. You can include one or two of your other, associated keyword phrases in the content as well, but the primary focus of the page should be for one keyword phrase. And make sure you write for a human audience.

Setup internal links

Internal links enable you to connect two or more pages on your site that have similar or related content. Search engines will use this to determine if there is related content on the page or other pages on your site. In addition you should also have a site map page (usually named site_map.html, or sitemap.html) on your site that contains links to all the pages on your site. Google’s spiders use this to index all the pages on your site. Make sure that the anchor text used to create the link is descriptive about the page you will be linking to. Do not use Click Here as your anchor text.

Setup external links

In addition to internal link building there is also external (or off-page) link building. Link building (both internal and external) is a very important element of a search engine optimization strategy. This includes setting up manual submissions to external website directories and portals, submitting articles, press releases and related material, creating social bookmarks, creating blog posts and responding to others blog posts and forum entries, etc. The search engines use links as a primary measure of authority, credibility, and popularity, and when added to the relevance of the content on your page, provides the information the search engines need to determine the hierarchy of site rankings.

Many people in the Search Engine Optimization industry will argue that links are MORE important than content. Building a lot of links, from good neighborhoods is essential to hire the Best SEO Company in Chennai for success and high rankings.

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